Sorig Trak Shey Hypertension Tea
Regular price $11.0020 tea bags
Sorig Trak Shay Hypertension Tea boosts healthy circulation; induces sound sleep; minimizes upper back, nape, and headache pain. As well as helps with blurred vision, sweating, goosebumps, uncomfortable breathing associated with dyspnea, stiffened upper back, dryness of mouth, thirstiness, and numbness of the limbs.
Ingredients: Rubus hoffmeiteriannnus, Rosa brunonii (wild rose), Adhatoda vasica (malabar nut), Corydalis hendersoni, Acacia catechu (indian acacia), Emblica officinalis (gooseberry amla), Dracocephyllum tanguiticum, Glycyrrhiza glabra (liquorice)
A product that worked for me from the first cup of tea. Experienced relief of pressure in my legs and feet. Able to manage problem promptly. Never without this curative. Thank you much. 🙏🏼🕉️
I have been taking medication for the past several years for hypertension. Last week I began using your product, trak-shay tea and been monitoring my pressure on a daily basis. I find that there was a difference. It was a couple notches lower than before. It also enhances my energy level.